Cale, myself, and another young couple have been teaching back in the youth for almost a year now. About 2 weeks ago one of the other leaders taught about relationships. God put it on my heart to continue on that topic. I had shared my testimony months ago to just the girls, but I knew it was time to share with the whole group. I taught on Sunday & Wed and it went really well. We have a great bunch of youth & I'm really starting to feel more comfortable standing in front of them teaching! I have to remember that I'm there for Jesus and it's not about me, but what God has done in me and brought me through! These aren't the scriptures that I taught on, but we played a game with the youth & these are the ones that came up...
- Ephesians 2:10 - We are the workmanship of God
- Joshuah 1:8 - Keep Gods Word before you
- Psalm 5:12 - All things are possible
Remember it's All about JESUS!